An Award Ceremony for S1 and S2 pupils was held during the afternoon of 19 June. The pupils who had been nominated by their teachers as showing the greatest commitment in the class, were awarded certificates called Commitment Awards. Photos to follow. Pupils Karen and Taylor gave their report. Music was provided by the Fiddle Group and a band of senior pupils. The principal guest was the school chaplain Rev Neil Galbraith, who gave an excellent address to the pupils and parents.
The senior Prize Giving Ceremony in the evening was for pupils in S3 to S6. Lots of special awards were given, as well as Commitment Awards and prizes for academic achievement. The principal guest was Mr Archie Dickson, lecturer in Music at Stow College, one of the school's partners. Archie supports the RVR (Riot Van Records) project. His talk to the pupils and parents was inspiring.
Both ceremonies featured an ICT presentation prepared by Gordon Wilson, school captain. See the front page for a link.
King’s Park Secondary School 14 Fetlar Drive Glasgow G44 5BL Phone: 0141 582 0150 Fax: 0141 582 0151