I am delighted to welcome you to the website and hope that you find it helpful and informative. The aim of this website is to give you as much information about the school as possible and to keep you up-to-date with events. If you would like additional information added or have any questions , please do not hesitate to contact us at the school.
As Head Teacher of Kings Park Secondary, I am proud to say that we have a fantastic group of pupils, parents and staff. Our key aim is to raise aspiration and expectation to ensure that all of our young people have the best chance of success in their future. For this to happen, we have to aim high and to work exceptionally hard. This journey is a partnership and we all need to work together to ensure this challenging goal becomes our reality.
It is a pleasure to be part of such a vibrant school and I look forward to working with you to drive King's Park Secondary forward to even greater success.
Kirsty Ayed, Head Teacher