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School Uniform





All young people are expected to wear full school uniform at King's Park Secondary School to help promote a sense of identity and pride in our school. This uniform includes:


School Tie

White shirt or blouse

Black trousers or black skirt (knee length)

Black sweater

Black blazer 

Plain black shoes or boots


For those S5/6 pupils who choose to have a blazer, the blazer will be braided.  In addition, those pupils who are part of our pupil leadership team will have cuffs added to sleeves.

As always, we will also positively promote the wearing of school uniform through House points. The House gaining the most points throughout the session receiving a special treat!

School ties (£5) are available from the school office. You can purchase via Parent Pay using the link below and your child can collect from the school office -

School hoodies can also be purchased from BE Uniforms.

BE Uniforms are our suppliers for Blazers and are the main contact for questions -


The address of their City centre branch is 35B Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8AH

If any family is unable to provide school uniform then please contact your child’s Pupil Support Principal Teacher and assistance can be given.