King’s Park Secondary School

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For comprehensive information on careers and courses throughout Scotland check out the Gateway Shared Service database PlanIT.
Skills Development Scotland provides free guidance and information to every school and individually to all pupils who are leaving school. Visit their website at for more information.
Careers Education
Careers Education is one of the key elements of the Personal and Social Education Programme from second year onwards. In preparation for choosing their subjects in S3, second year pupils explore careers with the Careers Adviser who is attached to the school. To prepare pupils for the process of course planning, we use materials which have been developed by Skills Development Scotland, and which are adapted and changed to suit the current job market. 
Following feedback from employers, the employability sessions which are given by the Careers Advisor, cover areas where employers feel young people need support, giving them a better chance when they try to access employment.
Each year, the Careers Adviser carries out individual interviews and group talks to pupils, particularly from S4 onwards. A number of visiting speakers from business, further and higher education also visit the school to provide information to pupils. In addition, senior pupils are given the opportunity to attend the Higher Education Fair and university and college open days.
Careers Library
The Careers Library is situated in a room within the main library. It is well stocked with up to date information which is available in written form or on computer. When in school, the Careers Adviser is located in the Careers Library. Our Careers Adviser is Linda Bisset, who is in school every day. During that time she conducts group talks and individual interviews. Pupils can request an interview at any time. Linda also runs a drop-in facility at lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Careers Adviser plays an important role in supporting pupils in their curricular transitions through his input to the PSE programmes, through individual interviews and by attendance at Parents’ Meetings pupils.
Contact with the Careers Service
Linda Bisset is happy to provide advice and support to parents concerning pupils’ courses or career prospects. She can be contacted at the school. or