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Hi there, our names are Rebecca Munro and Aimee Young. We both go to King’s Park Secondary and picked Hospitality, Skills For Work.
In our first year, half the class went to Langside College for a term and then the other half went to Langside College the next term. Rebecca and I were both in the second group with eight others. While the other ten pupils were at college our task was to create and take charge of our own Afternoon Tea which was a great success whilst the other class held a Christmas Dinner in the College for invited guests and family members.
When it was our turn to attend the college, we were there for 12 weeks. During our time, we made lots of interesting dishes and learned a variety of cooking methods. It was a great experience. Near the end of our Langside College course a celebrity chef came and gave us a lesson on sugar art which was really interesting and exciting.
Overall we had a good and interesting first year in hospitality and gained a lot of knowledge and experience, and accomplished and achieved lots of new skills.
We are now in our 2nd year in Hospitality Skills for Work. So far our class has held a café which took placed early afternoon on a Monday in our classroom. We asked teachers with free time to come along and order some food. All the food was reasonably priced and we made a good profit.
Our next task is to hold a party in our class to celebrate our success. We will be making and preparing most of the food which is going to be served.
Our final task is to prepare and serve a formal dinner for invited guests and teachers. We look forward to putting all our skills and abilities to the test.
Units in the course are:
Front of House skills
Working in the Professional Kitchen
Working in the Hospitality Industry
Introduction to Events