Senior Leadership Team
Head Teacher
Depute Head Teacher
Mrs K Ayed
MS K Cook
Mrs R Kelly
Mrs A Thyne
Mrs A Preston
Department and Faculty Leaders
PT Art and Design
Mr D Miller
PT Modern Languages
Mrs A Lyons
PT Business Education
Mr D Jack
PT Expressive Arts
Mrs Melvin
PT Computing
PT Health and Wellbeing
Mr A Thom
PT English
Miss Grant
PT Pupil Support
Mrs L Bertolini
PT Maths
Ms Byars
PT Science
Mr D Braid
PT Social Studies and RME
Mr P Grimes
PT Technical Education
Mr A Ward
Pastoral Care Leaders
PT Pastoral Care
Miss K McGugan
Miss F McTaggart
Miss Gibson
Mr Samson
Area Business Support Manager (South East)
Mr R Murdoch
Employability Officer for South East
King’s Park Secondary School 14 Fetlar Drive Glasgow G44 5BL Phone: 0141 582 0150 Fax: 0141 582 0151