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S2 Personalisation and Choice

All of our S2 pupils will be taking part in the S2 Personalisation and Choice process from Monday 8th January. This will involve them discussing choices available to them to personalise their curriculum for S3.  A powerpoint presentation will be shared and discussed in all S2 PSE classes from Monday 8th January so that all S2 pupils know the choices available to them. This powerpoint can be accessed using the link below -

A parental letter and Information sheet for pupils, parents/carers are also available using the following links -

A Glow form will be used to capture choices made by all S2 pupils so we would appreciate it if you could support your child to make informed choices for S3 and ensure this form is completed by Friday 19th January. The parental letter and Information sheet contain a link and QR code to access the Glow form. Young people need to use their Glow login to access this. If they need their Glow login or a password reset, they can ask any teacher, including their Pastoral Care teacher, to support them with this. The Pastoral Care Team will be supporting all S2 pupils throughout this process and will be happy to answer any questions you or your child may have.

We thank you in advance for supporting your child with this S2 Personalisation and Choice process.